Information for service users
We work hard to involve our clients in development in the organisation and service delivery. We want to hear your views and take all comments / suggestions that are made, seriously – helping to bring about change in the organisation over the years. We look forward to hearing your great ideas and comments can be made via:
- Complaint / suggestion forms
- Client engagement groups
- Support sessions with the project workers
- Discussions with the scheme manager
- Get in touch with us, form.
“You said; We did”
“We would like day trips out”
Trips to a theme park were planned which the young people in the particular scheme, helped to organise, fund raised for and obtained tickets through their resourcefulness and ideas.
What a fantastic day it was.
“We would like a communal area in the hostel, so we can socialise together”
Unfortunately due to the available space in the building, we weren’t able to create a communal area in the hostel itself.
However, we have created an outdoor space, which has been transformed into a communal garden equipped with a greenhouse. Providing the opportunity for people in the service to gain new skills.
“Can we have Wi-Fi in the hostel?”
We installed Wi-Fi, which is a rare feature in hostels
“We want to help change the organisation and be more involved”
We regularly involve clients in recruitment of staff and training provided in safer recruitment.
Those that have participated in this have really enjoyed the experience and particularly having a meaningful say in who is appointed.