View our campaigns below:

Safer St Helens
We are a #BetterThanThatChampion, helping to make St Helens a safer place and stopping Hate Crime. Working with the Safer Communities Team in St Helens and other providers / local people to combat hate crime and make St Helens a safer place to live.

MADE Jogathon 8th July 2020
MADE Jogathon 8th July 2020
On Wednesday 8th July Knowsley’s MADE Junior and Senior groups will be participating in a 30 minute virtual group ‘Jogathon’ to raise funds to help support SHAP’s vulnerable young people in Knowsley, particularly during the current Covid-19 pandemic.

Demand better for asylum support
Over 270 organisations write to the Home Secretary demanding an increase in asylum support rates
On Monday 8th June, the Home Office announced a shameful increase of just £1.85 a week to the financial support people seeking asylum in the UK rely on. That’s a meagre 26p a day; and leaves people still forced to live off little more than £5 a day.